Why Spring is The Best Time for Painting Landscapes

When spring is here in the valleys, but lagging behind in the high-country. This time of year is always a favorite of mine as the landscape changes almost daily at times.

Spring in the Mountains - Snow melt and bright colors

The snow begins to recede and the green starts to creep up the mountainsides, bringing life along with it. Each day the pattern of the snow-capped peaks change and each week there seems to be different color schemes of wildflowers. 

Spring Wildflowers - Indian PaintbrushIndian Paintbrush

Every year when late spring comes around I find myself getting out more to explore and learn. I love the vivid colors of autumn, but the colors that emerge in the spring are growing on me as well. When the time is just right and most of the mountains have cleared of the snowpack, the compositions can be astounding. Then combined with the fresh, rich colors of spring and for a short time, the views become a state of perfection.

Spring Colors in the Rocky MountainsMy Go To Portable Camera

I don't think I'm entirely positive what I'm looking for, but in a way I feel driven to uncover the unknown and discover untold stories.

painting resources for artists

This is a time of year, that as a whole, I've spent the least amount of time exploring and there's a lot I feel I perhaps don't know. To me I see it as more opportunity to broaden the scope of what I do. 

 Beginning an oil painting landscape - Blocking In

This painting came from a trip into Glacier country which is also an area I haven't spent but a fraction of my time in. There's a lot of area in the Northern country which I've never seen and want to venture out into.

Painting a landscape in oils - Art and NatureMy Favorite Brush for Oils

New areas are always the most exciting places to spend time in. The idea of exploring some new areas up this way and during this time of year interests me very much. 

Landscape Painting Inspired by Nature

I hope to find new inspiration through these next couple of months through all of this. I plan to sketch and paint along the way to further my understanding of how my creative process can fit into this whole picture. In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed the process of my latest 12x16.

The varying degree of light bouncing off the mountainsides towering above the natural lake below is what captivates me the most. As the light races across the landscape, it reveals new color along the way which creates a sense of life that's next to nothing. 

Hand-crafted Oil Paintings - Landscape Art

"Rising Above" - 12x16" Oil on panel

My art and studio supplies I use.
Prints available here.

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